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A question of management

Renewable energy generation, data collection, changing analytics, the grid edge… In a continually evolving industry how does the renewable asset manager keep up with the changes? Edmee Kelsey, founder and CEO of 3megawatt GmbH, gives PES her analysis of the situation….

These are turbulent times for Renewable Asset Managers. Every day there is something new on the “grid edge”. The grid edge is the new industry buzzword that describes the impacts of the transition of the traditional electric power industry to the next-generation distributed energy world. The growth of wind and solar, two important distributed energy sources, is seemingly unstoppable. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, investment in clean energy broke new records in 2015 and is now seeing twice as much global investment as fossil fuels and it seems this trend is set to continue in the near future, even with low fuel prices.

The rapid rise of new energy assets is forcing the change of how energy is generated, distributed and consumed. This in turn has far-reaching implications on how renewable energy assets are managed. Emergence of new business models and evolutions in renewable energy project structuring are guaranteed to keep the asset managers on their toes.


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